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Thursday, July 23, 2009

well,long time since I posted something here.if u r wondering who I am,i'm Elton

but the main point is wat pk has been trying to say..u might noticed tat people dun usually tend to go out together until someone suggest something.mayb u tink tat I am talking all the big reasoning(crap). which I hate too-.-||
but u might find tat I am saying the truth=).

nvm bout the words ontop of tis sentence.I am trying to say tat MAYBE someone nids to organize something, although I suggested it..u will nt want to find me I am a lousy & noob organizer
so ya bb
lots of love sounds gay if a guy uses it so

Loads n loads of care,

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
5:06 PM

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hello everyone ,

How's life?Hope youre all doing great at different schools.
Guess what?I kinda miss you all.
Please,dont go missing after being seperated.
June holidays now,supposingly you all should know what im gonna say.
Misses xoxo.

Loves ,
Puaykheng .

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
1:12 AM

Monday, November 17, 2008

You know,sometimes,looking back to primary school days..
Somehow we'll always remember those really really bad times,and really really good times.
Remember how all of us use to be during the days in lower primary?
Abit of thing,and we'll all make a big fuss out of it,and spout sentences like,"I dont friend you already." or "I going home complain to my mummy." kinda thing.
But when things are settled,slowly we'll start to go back like,"I friend you."
Hahahaha,thinking of that,it reminds us how childish we are,from our point of view at this age yeah.
Remember those small presents teacher give like a sweet or a chocolate,that make us feel so good?When it's like,now,we'll most probably straight away tell the teacher stuffs like,"Eyer,one sweet/chocolate only,wo cai bu xi han."
Lol,when we've grown,upper primary times will be like,"Eh she bitch la,lets go play on our own." or "that bastard,hack care him,lets go." right.
Although sounds more mature,actually it have the same meaning -.- We're just being petty.
As a teenager,no longer a primary school kiddo,the us now dont really give a damn about things that mention friends right.Hahaha,i think thats the major change of thinking from primary school to secondary school,and i dont think its bad,though(:

Enough of my nonsense,i guess all of y'all are doing fine,isnt it?In a blink of an eye,wow,one year passed.Like,"dang,damn fast."
This class is like,2years already,keep in contact alright guys.

Screw that friendster,it fucking deleted all my friends -.- Now i dont give a fucking damn about it already.Sucker.

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
7:22 PM

Monday, November 3, 2008

Out of somewhere,i found this..
supposingly to be a nice and sweet memory of ours,but somehow,look deep into the photo,and had the verge to cry..
But still,life has to go on,and what's past remains as memory forever,in this ever-changing world.
Live life to the fullest,and remember everything that happens during the period of time where we survive together(:

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
9:21 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

Erm,as told by terry,he called me to post this,regards of apology to the things he said..
He apologise to all.

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
8:55 PM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

anyone wan go class outing?

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
3:04 PM

juz for keeping the blog more lively...done n bb

Blogged @ Resilience 10's
1:54 PM